Embed all Pornworms Videos to your site at once!
- There are no restriction to the number of videos you can place on your site.
- You can earn money by sending traffic to our site by adding our feed. For this please contact us at admin@pornworms.com
- We have both CSV file for Embed and Feeds.
- Feeds are updated time to time.
- We have updated RSS feed.
- We have daily updated deleted feed.
- There are morethan 200 videos are updated every day.
Here is shortcut for our feeds
Embed - http://www.pornworms.com/dump/embed_data.csv
Feed - http://www.pornworms.com/dump/feed_data.csv
Deleted Feed - http://www.pornworms.com/dump/deleted.txt
Update - http://www.pornworms.com/rss/